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Kajo 2022’s Light Fades with the Closing Ceremony

“It was a unique experience that I thoroughly enjoyed!” so says Caitlyn, from the Liffey West unit – an Irish delegation in the Halo sub-camp –  as she reflected on her Kajo experience just before the closing ceremony. Daniel, from the same unit agrees -”“An Interesting experience I would recommend to all”. Aoife thought “everything was great, but the food was not the nicest!”.

Noa from the Israeli contingent felt it was “wonderful to meet people from all around the world!”. Lior felt lucky to “try out new skills”, and Amit’s highlight was “learning about different countries”. 

The closing show began like the opening, with some warm up poetry, and shout-outs as the sub-camps made their way into the arena. The Israelis shared a Kajo chant of their own from the stage which the crowd really loved.

When the show officially began, with another rendition of Kajotaan, the crowd really responded with clapping and singing along to the trilingual song.

Next it was time for the conclusion of Valo’s story. Looking back on their week, they came to realise how much they overcame: fear and anxiety about meeting new people, learning new skill, and asking for help. As the ceremony continued, they realised that being a scout means not to be the best but that it’s always enough to “be just as you are”. With the imaginary friends showing Valo the importance of respect, making friends, nature, responsibility, being trustworthy, and having strong character, we were all reminded of what it is to be a scout.

With Valo’s story concluded, the show evolved into a sing-along, with B.P Spirit. Finnish musical artist Viivi (@viivilrockyou) and her band played her hits as the participants sang along. Before long DJ Sampl started the dance party as the light faded, and became the memory of Kajo 2022.

Text: Ger Hennessey

Photo: Noora Kankare

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