
Tips for an environmentally friendly camp

Did you know that Kajo is the first large camp where environmental impact is investigated by counting and documenting the carbon footprint? With the help of this information, we can […]

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Responsibility at Kajo: What waste do we produce, and what happens to it? 

To act responsibly, we must use different materials in a sustainable way. Ideally, materials would not be wasted at all – a zero waste life. However, if waste is generated, it […]

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Happy or right?

Former chairman of Finnish scouts Harri Länsipuro organised a small event on sunday for leaders and rovers in the leaders’ welfare area. The event was called “Happy or right?” […]

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English Yleinen

Culture Bash – new international friends, games and food

On Sunday evening you could have a taste of different cultures and their habits in Culture Bash. With each camp unit organizing a game, serving a snack or teaching […]

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English Ympäristö

Café Culture

In addition to the Camp menu (available from your local sub-camp kitchen), and Vilkku coffee docks, there are three big cafés at Kajo: Hohde, Majakka, and a leaders’ café […]

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English Ympäristö

A walk down Leirisuora/Camp Avenue 

The Leirisuora/ “Camp Avenue” is the central street in Kajo, connecting Action Valley to Future Valley and Välähtämö. It used to be a runway when Evo was an airfield. […]

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English Tänään tapahtuu

Stay tuned for Culture Bash!

Interested in other cultures, both internationally and within Finland? Would you like to try out Maltese or Canadian snacks or see what Thai and Sami games look like? How […]

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English lyhyet

Comic: Opening seremony

Comic: Tapio Ristolainen Idea: Ger Hennessy Article photo: Henri Tammi

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English Tänään tapahtuu

Kajo Lights Up

Evo forest came alive with Scouts and Guides on Friday. To the sounds of bagpipes, drums, and yells, each sub-camp’s hoards made their way into the Arena, in an […]

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