Have you seen Kajos coolest camp gates yet? If not then you are in luck! Our reporters went out on a mission to find the five best camp gates and here they are.
Töölön Siniset ja Hespartto #445
First up we have the gate made by Töölön Siniset ja Hespartto situated in subcamp Hehku. Quite a simple structure but what stood out was the sets of swings for the kids. There is a latter made for climbing up to the structure and get a view.

MESO #214
The big gate made by Olarinmäen Samoojat and Mankkaan Eräsudet is almost impossible to miss when walking through subcamp Tuike. It’s probably the biggest gate on Kajo and has a second level with walls and roof. On the front you can clearly see that this camp has plenty of international participants, with flags of Canada, Sweden and Thailand. They are also flagging the LGBTQIA+ flag which gives them extra credit.

Vatuato #514
How the hell does one build a bear out of moss? That is what everybody is questioning when walking past Vatuatos spectacular statue in Fotoni. But not only do they have the coolest sculpture, but their gate is holding 2 tents above the ground. Needless to say they deserve a place on this list.
Built by: Vantaan metsänkävijät, Turun metsänkävijät, Auran Tytöt

Mutturi #134 and Ölövi #135
Teamwork is a big part of scouting and it is clear that Mutturi and Ölövi in Säde have figured this out. They built a bridge over the road between the camps and have created many gasps from people walking by. It is no surprise that the Swiss scouts like to build but who would have thought about connecting these camp gates. Remarkable!
Built by: Suopatio, Partilippukuntat tavastit, Nummen Eränkävijät, Myyrpartio, Kaivokselan Delfiinit, Jaarlin Pojat, Pohjan Veikot

And last but not least, the prize for the coolest camp gate goes to…
Valakia #145
This giant bonfire structure with sausages being barbecued over the fire was built by no other than Valakia in Säde. It’s the most creative and imaginative gate. But what really makes them take the first place are the details displayed at night when the fire is lit up and you can hear fire noices! Such a cozy camp to come back to at night and they sure made the by-walkers impressed. Congratiulations!
Built by: Ähtärin Eräveikot, Vähänkyrön Eränkävijät, Vainion Vesat, Vaasan Siniset Partiotytöt, Pudasjärven Mesikämmenet, Laihian Eräpojat ja -tytöt, Kuusamon Tunturisiskot ja –veikot, Ahjopartio.

Hope this list made you inspired. Maybe you already have ideas for the next big scoutcamp? It remains to be seen.
But before this article ends, we want to give a special shoutout to camp Valopäät in Hehku for having the most adorable little mascot called Valopää (meaning light-head in Finnish).

Thank you all for putting effort into your gate!
Text: Jessica Nyberg
Photos: Pekko Räsänen