
Tips for getting back to ”normal” life

With Kajo drawing to a close, the return to “real” life, may need getting used to. Here are some tips for integrating back into society. It’s probably not required […]

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English Made by Samoaja

Can You Finnish?

From a Scottish perspective – Since arriving in Finland our Scottish group has enjoyed experiencing the unique Finish culture.  Initially we were introduced to some classic Finnish confectionery like […]

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Kajo 2022’s Light Fades with the Closing Ceremony

“It was a unique experience that I thoroughly enjoyed!” so says Caitlyn, from the Liffey West unit – an Irish delegation in the Halo sub-camp –  as she reflected […]

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English Ihmiset

A Taste of Saami Scouting

Read the article in Inari Saami here Kajo is the 8th Finnjamboree with around 13,000 participants. There have been participants from Sápmi (Saamiland) on every Finnjamboree, but this is […]

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English Ihmiset

Camilo is the only scout representing South America

As chaotic and foreign a Finnjamboree can feel, at least we will be able to share our experiences with the people or group we came here with. But imagine […]

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English Made by Samoaja

Style and Fashion at Kajo

Kajo is attendended by scouts from Finland and abroad. This can best be seen from the multilingual chatter heard around and the personalized team clothes. Many campers have more […]

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Responsibility at Kajo: we are all part of Scouting’s climate work

Scouting is a climate-responsible hobby in many ways. Scouts acquire equipment for long-term use, lend a friend equipment they lack and travel to events by public transport. At the camps, you […]

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English Made by Samoaja

Tips for spending your free time

It’s been quite a while since dinner and the next meal is still a few hours away. Laying in the tent is getting old and it would be nice […]

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Kajo Horoscope

Aries (March 21 – April 19)  Be your best you today. Why wait? Be the best you that you can be. Imagine all the people who thought you could […]

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”How About A Friendly Game..?”

Ever since Kajo’s Canadian Contingent set up a mini-rink at their booth on Kajo Avenue last weekend, the native Finnish Scouts have taken pity on the visitors and their, […]

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